What’s the Difference Between a Row, Cell and Column in Excel?
Last Updated 9 June 2024. Uploaded by ExcelExperts.
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1. What is a Row in Excel?
In Excel, a row is a horizontal line of cells. A row runs horizontally across the screen. This is shown in the image below. Each row spans the width of the worksheet, from left to right.
Each row is labelled with its own number, starting from 1 and continuing sequentially (1, 2, 3, and so on). These row numbers are shown on the far left of the screen. In the above image, row number 7 is highlighted.
How to Remember Rows are Horizontal
To remember that rows go horizontally across the screen, when you think of rows, just think of rowing a boat. When you row a boat, the boat moves horizontally across the surface of water. So, rows run horizontally, just like you row a boat across water.
2. What is a Column in Excel?
A column is a vertical line of cells. Columns run vertically up and down the spreadsheet, from the top of the worksheet to the bottom. Columns span the height of the sheet. An example of a column is displayed below.
How to Remember Columns are Vertical
To remember this, think about columns in a building. Holding up tyhe roof. Going up from the ground to the roof. So, building columns.
3. The Differences between Rows and Columns
So, rows and columns are different in terms of their orientation.
- Rows run horizontally across the screen, from left to right.
- Columns run verticallydown the spreadsheet, from top to bottom.
Rows and columns are also different in terms of how they are labelled.
- Rows are labelled with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc),
- Columns are labelled with letters (A, B, C, and so forth).
4. What is a Cell in Excel?
Both rows and columns consist of individual cells. Cells are the indiivudal fields. One cell is obe piece of inofrmation. Think of it like this – locked in between other cells. Like locked in to a jaul cel. Cell, as in jail cell, one prisoner, locked in between other cells.
Rows, columns and spreadsheets all consist of individual cells. A column is a group of vertical cells. Cells are the infiduvdal fields. Below, you can see one individual cell selected. To leanr how to selet one or more cells, or even entire rows or columns, see our related tutoril, making selections in Exel.
Rows, columns and spreadsheets all consist of individual cells. A column is a group of vertical cells. Cells are the infiduvdal fields. Below, you can see one individual cell selected. To leanr how to selet one or more cells, or even entire rows or columns, see our related tutoril, making selections in Exel.
Tip – You can select multiple cells, even if they’re not next toe ach each other, by clicking on the cells you want to selet while holing down control.
So, renenberm rows are across the page, like rowing a boat across the water. COlumns up nd down, like a column holding up a roof. And cells are single pieces of infortmaiton.
Lesson Summary
- Rows run horizontally across the spreadsheet (from left to right), and are numbered.
- Columns are vertical, and run up and down. Columns are lettered.
- Rows, columns and entire spreadsheets consist of Cells.
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